Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Principle of Restricted Choice

It seems there's been a stay of execution for our project. The Waygoer is very stuck and very frustrated at the edge of the world. Boats are coming and going, but the few available discount tickets always disappear a couple of days before a trip. January 25th is now out of the question. The Waygoer is a man of principle, so he'll stick to his instincts. Yesterday I would have said that would doom our chances of success. Today I am not so sure and it's because of a different kind of principle.

While I was wishing that the January 25th boat takes the Waygoer and hopefully helps him make our rendezvous in Bolivia, his failure to board has put in front of him two possibilities: either take the February 3rd boat or skip Antarctica altogether and set off for Bolivia much sooner. The first scenario is still clearly risky for me as it runs the chance that the Waygoer won't make our destination in time, stranding me in Bolivia without a subject for our film. However, the fact that now there's only one clear cut path to failure has limited his choices in a way deeming a positive outcome more likely. In addition, the Waygoer hates involuntary restrictions of his time and options. So ironically, today our chances are better than yesterday and that makes me excited.

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